A Native, Charles Buffalo, replied about things he has left behind in life,


"Much left behind here too, but so much lighter the burden now."


His expatriate friend, richard manning, agreed,


Yes, as with my rather too American children (quite 'normal' they are, I guess, yet still sad for me) - learning to leave behind certain attachments, and false values, is not easy but oh so purifying. When wiser, we come to realize the beauty in solitude : in being alone but not lonely. In becoming a couple with each bit of goodness you find, in people and nature.



Charles Buffalo said,


I think that you would find much more comfort in an Asia environment. For as many respected as there may be in Europe, I do not think that you would find the spiritual refinement required to ease your soul. And I have no questions of the of the sacrifices you have made along your path. As for a Tribal feeling, I think that runs deep in the inner most being of all, but on most days, I feel my tribe is maybe me and my shadow.



Richard thought about that idea, of a human's tribe often only the solitude of being and shadow, to say,


In this society, as I have written elsewhere, men are the biggest PROSTITUTES - for they sell their intellect AND spirit to any company just to fatten their belly and make new babies. Make new baby clones of themselves so to cover over their industrialized impotency, acting and feeling godlike, as if an artistic creator, by simply leaving any form of clone behind on their plasticized brief feel goody stage.


Yet behind on what exact kind of a stage, in truth?


A stage crisscrossed by spiritually sterile paths, paths followed fearfully by men trudging along towards their shadow ridden, anxiety strewn death bed. A bed watched over by a 'God' of violent crucifixions, and inquisitions, an Eros God who, rather than waxing poetic as great creators do, we see mysticizing into himself an only son to be tortured and murdered. Thus recreating pantheism, simply because He, the Father, had first created such a malcontented, evil model of HIMSELF, in the Universe's first garden, that he had to start all over again with a new symbol. Nevertheless this Father failed once more, forcing His Chosen tribes to begin all over again : awaiting their newest Savior's reappearance - hoping to be saved from the real devil they had found right in their own actions.


Such is Western heritage : over and over awaiting Messiahs to save them from committing sins, from perpetrating untold violence and greed against each other..., and everyone they can touch.


This God mythology of theirs offers up the worst form of Prostitution : a Patriarch selling his creativity, plus his seed, simply because once having violently thrown his enemies out of his Garden he was feeling lonely. When really he was just alone, as every wise being is.


So this God's self imaged creations, his Patrimony, also continue to sell themselves, in another form of the prostitution of values even more disgraceful than their Father's narrowly bad lesson. This new prostitution is far more degrading than mere physical prostitution. The Father's modern 'men' can not so easily remake their beds, shake snakes out of their historical trees, clean out the gardens they dirty. They can not wash the smells of their mercantile, selfish lovers out of their minds by buying more new age sheets. These heavenly Father's male creatures can not wash the sweat of self-righteously dirty money off their bodies in a thousand hot scented bubble baths.


These men have lost the true path, the sylvan one to the clean mountain stream, the one watched over by Faunus' dancing graces and laughing sylphs, the true path washed fresh by the changing tides.


The wise merely physical prostitute thinks, "Pay me, do your thing and get out!" She soon cleans herself, for her prostitution is a passing fancy. She can be my friend, for she has not necessarily dirtied her spirit or mind.


The modern 'smart' male spiritual, intellectual prostitute thinks, "Pay me and you can stay on top of me until I retire." He can not clean himself until old and tired, a continuous prostitution. He can never be my friend, for he dies still a moral coward.


Our thoughts make us what we are : that is why the former can smile and smell fresh an hour later, while the latter frowns through tight lips and stinks all this life into any next.






Charles Buffalo wrote :


Much truth in your words here. I almost feel it belongs posted on expatriate letters page. How well the modern man hides behind his "god". Blaming him for his own misdeeds, "manifest destiny", praising him for every time his ass is saved from some certain doom. Little does he know that if this Judeo-Christian deity in fact existed, surely it would erase modern man from the face of the earth.





And richard,


Yes, the silly excuse given for their God not correcting his errors, supposedly until Armageddon, is that this life is merely a godly testing grounds for entrance to heaven. And this excuse has always been their easiest excuse for doing what they wish now, becoming redeemed with sorrows, cries, excuses and forgiveness bowing to their merciful Father.


In reality, yes, as you note Western man does indeed hide behind his god. Because he is afraid. That is their problem, sweet and sour, simple fear.


They are afraid to think too deeply into why they are here (their ontology), afraid of their own false myths. That's the true source of their strong, so clearly evident, personal gut sadness and their equally evident societal confusions and antagonisms : they fear losing their myths if they recognize the unnatural dishonesties founding them.


It is that fear, as usual to most fears, which is the cause of the earth's most horrendous record of aggressions and violence against the both their fellow human beings and all the other beings within nature. It is that fear which has had Western man continuously waging wars of greed and superiority against the "'other".


The ironical end game is that, as Nietzsche noted, the very foundation for their religious myths is already dead in their guts - even as their heads ignorantly, fearfully, refuse to go along with that nature message rising up inside trying to speak to them, yelling at them : CHANGE YOURSELF!. Advising them to change before it is too late, as prophets are wont to do.


Just as stated by our brother, the sage and heroic 17th century Huron Chief Adario..., when after returning from invitations to England and Quebec he commented to his colonial French and English friends on all the crime in their societies. Observing the seemingly endless civil and criminal laws punishing people, he noted they had no moral guide for avoiding the evils done,


"...The Europeans, who must be forced to do Good, and have no other Prompter for the avoiding of Evil than the fear of Punishment."


He gave his impressions of their societies, characterizing their life as being like slaves, "….and thou dependest upon an infinity of Persons whose Places have raised them above thee."


And seeing that they were ruled by thieving masters, advised them to cease that way of life, and change,


"Take my advice and turn Huron; for I see plainly a vast difference between thy condition and mine. …I am Master of my Condition and mine… Whereas thy Body, as well as thy Soul, are doomed to a dependence upon thy Great Captain, thy Vice-Roy disposes of thee…"

