Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos : We Are a Culture of Profiteering Bred Macho Violence



NATO ‘warriors’ dropping bombs : never see the eyes of their victims, never honestly have to stand up and fight an enemy as a man with real courage does. They are technological fascists, these push button ‘soldiers’ who can destroy what they want from 15,000 feet and go back to clean sheets, showers and Playboy magazine - helping to ease their macho adrenaline rushes from waging ‘war’. A war quite safe for them, their antiseptic distances saving their ever having to act heroic for any other cause more worthy than another decal on their march towards promotion and pension.



Such is not war, but like an arcade video game scoring bodies and buildings for future power mongering. Such is not a war but murder, by any and all of these military officers simply being loyal, simply "following orders" - just as did our World War II enemies hanged at Nuremberg and Tokyo.



These NATO military are none of them true warrior men, nor real soldiers fighting to protect endangered innocents, or the people of their own or friendly countries from evil dangers. They are only men sheepishly and ignorantly following dictates from bureaucratic politicians and technocratic generals who are truly the most immoral and cowardly of leaders, leaders posing and acting like warriors many miles from the blood and destruction of the ‘battlefield’ for which they will wear a new ribbon on their chests.



Such men are paid mercenaries, and personal cowards, neither true warriors and not even true soldiers as they kill for personal promotion and national geopolitical economic objectives. American soldiers who continue to attack civilian infrastructure and kill civilians - as directly exemplified in Indochina and via our surrogates in Central America, these being only the two largest theaters of inhumanity among our post World War recent examples - are not only highly immoral but are destroying the soul of that America most of us were brought up to believe in.



Only one of the long term negative results of these type of HYPOCRITICAL acts of inhumane aggression by our leaders against innocent people is the trickle down amorality, mental confusion and personal egotism and greed that develops in the spoiled, richly wasted minds of many of our young people. And the eight recent school homicides, are murder incidents were just the most immediate pragmatic, and visually up front, ramifications from this wasteland of inhumane international conduct by our civilian leaders and their military and intelligence agency technocrats.


These are the violent criminal lessons demonstrated, therefore taught, by our macho leaders to our children. And this criminal violence is only one form of aggression so well learned into each new generation, for it does not consider the vast amount of white collar commercial and political aggression these politicians and businessmen have been committing for so many years since World War II. Military Industrial Intelligence, and other, criminality so well covered up by our now Offshore sophisticated criminal elite that we and our children hear about few or none of them - which, in any event, have never been prosecuted since the major scandals called ABSCAM, in the late 1970s, put so many politicians in jail. Yet even those bad lessons from this commercial criminality and immoral profiteering are also sinking in, into the guts of our families, sinking in and eating away at us for we are being nurtured by, and growing into, habits of a Washington Commercial Crime Complex raping not only the Third World but also our national commonweal just as efficiently.


richard manning